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Notice of Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Issuing the Implementation Plan on Comprehensive Supervision over Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing (Trial)

Jing Jian Fa [2022] No. 75

To all commissions of housing and urban-rural development and housing management bureaus at the district level, and all relevant units,

  In order to implement the work plans of the State Council on interim and ex post supervision and the spirit of instructions from the leadership of Beijing Municipality and meet the requirements of the Work Plan on Introducing New Measures for and Strengthening Interim Supervision and Developing an Integrated and Comprehensive Supervision System (Jing Jian Guan Lian Ban Fa [2021] No. 8) jointly issued by the Beijing Municipal Administration for Market Regulation and the Beijing Municipal Administration of Government Services, the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has formulated the Implementation Plan on Comprehensive Supervision over Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing (Trial). It is hereby issued to you for your earnest enforcement.

  The Notice is hereby given.

  Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

  March 17, 2022

Implementation Plan on Comprehensive Supervision over Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing


  In order to further build an integrated supervision system, improve the effectiveness of supervision, protect the legitimate rights and interests of entities related to property management in accordance with the law, make constant efforts in streamlining administration and delegating powers, improving regulation, and upgrading services and comprehensively promote the healthy and orderly development of Beijing's property management industry as per the requirements of the Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment, Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening and Standardizing the Interim and Ex Post Regulation, Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Property Management and the Work Plan of Beijing Municipality on Innovating and Strengthening Interim Supervision and Building an Integrated Supervision System, this Plan is hereby formulated.

  I. General Requirements

  (I). Guiding ideas

  Following the guide of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, it is necessary to comprehensively implement the spirit of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China as well as the Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Plenary Sessions of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, deeply implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on Beijing, adhere to the people-centered development thought, uphold the problem-oriented method and wider application after testing, make great efforts to conduct integrated supervision over industries and realize the goals that the level of property management is significantly improved and people's satisfaction is further enhanced.

  (II). Objectives

  More efforts should be made to implement the requirements of the Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment in Beijing, build a sound comprehensive supervision system for property services of residential projects, establish a comprehensive supervision mechanism based on risk assessment and credit assessment and carry out differentiated supervision over classified and tiered residential projects in Beijing by means of the classification and grading. In addition to making supervision more efficient, it is also important to further specify departmental responsibilities and improve the frequency of site inspections so as to help optimize the business environment in Beijing.

  (III). Fundamental principles

  First, various departments should work together to improve efficiency. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of integration of regulatory entities, integrate as well as the regulatory resources of all departments and levels, enhance coordination among different levels, implement multi-dimensional supervision in many aspects, and make supervision more precise and effective.

  Second, implementing regulation in a scientific and precise manner to lift efficiency. More should be done to innovate our regulatory models on the basis of full use of new technologies and methods on the consideration of risks and credit standings, and build a tiered and full-coverage regulatory structure highlighting key points in a scientific way so as to improve the efficiency of supervision.

  Third, strengthening industry self-discipline and deliver high-quality services. It is essential to adopt the work mode of property services characterized by "enterprise autonomy + industry self-discipline + government supervision + social supervision", raise the legal awareness of industry entities, encourage industry entities to fully understand and consciously abide by the law and deliver high-quality services.

  II. Six Basic Systems to Establish and Improve

  (I). Instituting a robust risk monitoring system

  More efforts should be made to adopt a regulatory philosophy centered on risk prevention and control, summarize the risk factors of property services in residential projects, and establish a property service risk assessment mechanism to comprehensively implement risk assessment on residential projects (See Annex 1 for details).

  (II). Instituting a sound credit assessment system

  We will improve credit supervision on the property management industry, and carry out unified implementation of credit assessment that features four grades and nine levels on property services of all residential projects in Beijing, on the basis of summarizing the supervision records, including complaints, administrative penalty due to violations of laws and regulations and commendations for property services of residential projects (See Annex 2 for details).

  (III). Instituting a sound classified and tiered supervision system

  It is also essential to implement tiered supervision based on "risk + credit", coordinate two dimensions of risk monitoring and credit supervision, optimize the frequency of supervision on a gradual basis, and conduct differentiated and precise supervision for supervised entities at different levels (See Annex 3 for details).

  (IV). Instituting a sound joint supervision system

  It is important to urge the implementation of the primary responsibility of sub-districts (townships) through a working mechanism of "swift response to public complaints" and "quick answer to community calls"; intensify efforts in coordination among municipal departments and focus on addressing prominent problems in property management; and strengthen organization and leadership at the district level and give play to the role of each district in bearing primary responsibility (See Annex 4 for details).

  (V). Establishing a project record and information collection system

  It is a must-do to give full play to the advantages of technology, do a good job in record and information collection of residential property projects using technological means, focus on improving the application performance of "Beijing Owner" APP, and speed up the development of property management systems and the promotion of "handling through a unified online platform", so as to lay a foundation for other supervision systems in terms of data and constantly improve the technology-based supervision system for the property management industry.

  (VI). Instituting a sound joint supervision system

  It is vital to foster a work pattern of joint supervision led by the Party Committee and dominated by the government that allows for residents' autonomy, multi-party participation and co-construction after consultation and promotes industry self-discipline. The grass-roots governance system should include property service enterprises and the owners committee. establish a highly linked service mechanism with clear powers and responsibilities and concerted efforts, give full play to the "quick answer to community calls" working mechanism, further mobilize various parties, improve the property service level and bolster efficient joint supervision (See Annex 6 for details).

  III. Piloting the Scenario-based Supervision over Property Service Enterprises

  (I). Promoting the system of one integrated list for one property service provider. Pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations such as Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Property Management, Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development shall take the lead in preparation of List of Illegal Matters of Property Service Enterprises, which will define the law enforcement powers of Beijing Municipality and its districts and sub-districts (townships), make clear the basis of law enforcement punishment and urge property service providers to provide services according to law and regulations (See Annex 8 for details).

  (II). Promoting the system of one integrated checklist for one property service provider. The inspection contents of property service enterprises will be summarized. Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development shall take the lead in preparation of the Comprehensive Checklist for Property Service Providers, strictly implement the checklist system and conduct inspections in strict accordance with contents stated in the checklist in a standard manner (See Annex 7 for details).

  (III). Promoting the system of one inspection for one property service provider. The working principle that "the responsibilities for supervision must be undertaken by the approval department, the competent authority of industry and the business unit" shall prevail. According to the formulated Joint Supervision System for Property Services of Residential Projects, it is essential to establish a collaborative supervision mechanism led by competent authorities of various industries and involving relevant departments, refine the check mode and launch joint inspections.

  (IV). Promoting the system of the integrated assessment for one property service provider. It is necessary to conduct comprehensive evaluation of "risk + credit" over market entities and establish a classified and tiered evaluation mechanism centered on risk prevention and control and based on credit behaviors. Competent departments of districts shall perform their respective functions and responsibilities, develop their own ledger of tiered and industry specific supervision, specify the supervision methods and formulate supervision plans. Contents of the ledger mainly include the project name, the district and sub-district (township), the name of the property service enterprise, as well as the classification and grading, etc. The classified and tiered supervision ledger shall be updated every six months.

  IV. Safeguards

  (I). Strengthening the organization and leadership. Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development shall intensify its efforts in coordinating, guiding and urging relevant departments to carry out comprehensive supervision of property services of residential projects. All districts and departments shall raise their awareness and promote the implementation of various policies and measures. Bold exploration and active pilots are encouraged and attempts are made to gain experience and develop good practices.

  (II). Ensuring strict implementation of responsibilities. All departments of various districts shall enhance accountability, regard comprehensive supervision of property services of residential projects as a key task, and conscientiously perform supervision duties in strict accordance with the principle of "whoever is in charge of approval and whoever is the administrator shall undertake the responsibility of supervision".

  (III). Intensifying training and publicity. Guidance and training shall be stepped up for law enforcement officials to improve their professional capabilities, especially those at the grassroots level. It is also necessary to strengthen publicity and guidance on innovation and comprehensive supervision, promote proactive policy interpretation, actively respond to public concerns, summarize and promote good experience and practices, cultivate and set up typical examples, and create a good social environment featuring strict, standardized, fair-minded and civilized supervision.

  (IV). Strengthening information reporting. All departments of various districts shall establish sound work systems based on actual work conditions, designate personnel to take charge, and report the work progress, good experience and practices, vivid cases and existing difficulties to the municipal competent departments of relevant industries before the 18th of each month.

  Annex 1. Risk Assessment System of Comprehensive Supervision on Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Annex 2. Credit Assessment System of Comprehensive Supervision on Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Annex 3. Classified and Tiered System of Comprehensive Supervision on Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Annex 4. Joint Supervision System for Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Annex 5. Record and Information Collection System for Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Annex 6. Joint Management System of Comprehensive Supervision on Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Annex 7. Comprehensive Checklist for Property Service Enterprises

  Annex 8. List of Illegal Matters of Property Service Providers

  Annex 1

  Risk Assessment System of Comprehensive Supervision on Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Article 1. In order to further strengthen supervision on property services of residential projects in Beijing, accurately identify potential risks of property services of residential projects and their impacts, and comprehensively determine the risk level of property services of residential projects, this system is hereby formulated.

  Article 2. In this system, the risks facing property services of residential projects mainly include service time, scale, rate of property service charge, owner satisfaction and so on.

  Article 3. Different weight coefficients are assigned to the risk influencing factors of property services of residential projects according to the scope and degree of influence, and the risk level is determined on a comprehensive basis according to the assessment results of risk factors.

  Article 4. Assessment Standard for the Risk Factors of Property Services of Residential Projects.

  Service Time (10 points * weight coefficient)


Before 1990 (inclusive)

1990 (exclusive) - 2000 (inclusive)

2000 (exclusive) - 2010 (exclusive)

After 2010 (inclusive)

Weight coefficient





  Scale (10 points * weight coefficient)


Less than 500 households (inclusive)

500 households -- 2,000 households (exclusive)

More than 2,000 households (inclusive)

Weight coefficient




  Rate of property service charge (40 points * weight coefficient)

Rate of charge

Below 60% (inclusive)

60% (exclusive) - 90% (exclusive)

Above 90% (inclusive)

Weight coefficient




  Owner satisfaction (40 points* weight coefficient)

Satisfaction rate

Below 60% (inclusive)

60% (exclusive) - 90% (exclusive)

 Above 90% (inclusive)

Weight coefficient




  Article 5. The risk level of property services of residential projects is calculated adding the separate scores of four risk factors, which are divided into A (Low), B (General), C (High) and D (Significant) levels from low to high.

Risk Level Assessment Form

 Risk category

 From low to high

Service time




 Rate of charge


Satisfaction rate



Below 95 points




95 points (inclusive) - 105 points (exclusive)



105 points (inclusive) - 115 points (exclusive)



More than 115 points (inclusive)


  Article 6. Risk level assessment is subject to dynamic management, with half a year as a cycle.

  Annex 2

  Credit Assessment System of Comprehensive Supervision on Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Article 1. In order to further strengthen supervision on property services of residential projects in Beijing, accurately evaluate the effectiveness of supervision on property services of residential projects, and comprehensively determine the credit rating of property services of residential projects, this system is hereby formulated.

  Article 2. For this system, main factors to determine the credit rating of supervision on property services of residential projects include the complaints, administrative penalties due to violations of laws and regulations and commendations for property services of residential projects.

  Article 3. In supervision, rewarding and punishment assessment on property services of residential projects, different points are assigned according to the scope and degree of influence, and the credit ratings of property services of residential projects are determined on a comprehensive basis.

  Article 4. The credit rating assessment criteria are as follows:

  (I). The basic score of credit supervision on property services of residential projects is 100.

  (II). The rewarding and punishment assessment criterion are as follows:

  1. Those who entrust all matters agreed in the Property Service Contract to a third party will be deducted of 50 points every time;

  2. Those who commit misappropriation or encroachment of special maintenance funds will be deducted of 50 points every time;

  3. Those who refuse to exit from the property management area as per the provisions of Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Property Management will be deducted of 50 points every time;

  4. Those listed in the scope of special rectification of prominent property management issues subject to special management will be deducted of 20 points every time;

  5. Those who fail to implement the primary responsibility of work safety and cause serious work safety accidents will be deducted of 20 points every time;

  6. Those with other serious violations of laws and regulations during the provision of property services will be deducted of 10 points every time;

  7. 10, 20 and 30 points will be additionally assigned to those who receive district awards or commendations, municipal awards or commendations and national awards or commendations, respectively.

  Article 5. The credit behavior levels of the property services of residential projects can be divided into four grades and nine levels according to these points. They are A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C- and D from high to low, respectively. The specific assessment criteria are as follows.

  Credit Rating Assessment Form

Credit supervision rating

Credit score

Reward and punishment assessment score



 120 points (inclusive) - 130 points (inclusive)



  110 points (inclusive) - 120 points (exclusive)




 100 points (inclusive) - 110 points (exclusive)



90 points (inclusive) - 100 points (exclusive)



 80 points (inclusive) - 90 points (exclusive)




 70 points (inclusive) - 80 points (exclusive)



 60 points (inclusive) - 70 points (exclusive)



50 points (inclusive) - 60 points (exclusive)



0 points (inclusive) - 50 points (exclusive)


  Article 6. Credit level assessment is subject to dynamic management, with half a year as a cycle.

  Annex 3

  Classified and Tiered System of Comprehensive Supervision on Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Article 1. In order to build a system of social credit construction, standardize credit behavior in property services of residential projects, innovate supervision methods, and enable accurate differentiated supervision on property services of residential projects, this system is hereby developed.

  Article 2. It is necessary to coordinate risk and credit assessment, and implement a classified and tiered supervision system based on "risk + credit" according to the risk level and credit rating assessment results of property services of residential projects.

  Article 3. The classified and tiered supervision levels are divided into A, B, C and D from high to low. The specific criteria are as follows.

Classified and tiered supervision levels

Risk level

  Credit level


(Low Risk)




(High Risk)














































  Article 4. More efforts should be made to determine the inspection frequency on a reasonable basis for supervision objects at different levels, further refine our supervision work by reducing the frequency of inspection on residential projects with low risk and good credit and increase the frequency of inspection on residential projects with high risk and poor credit.

  Article 5. The entities to implement supervision according to the criterion for classified and tiered supervision include the authorities at municipal, district, sub-district (township) level. On-site inspections are adopted, with the specific criteria as follows.

Supervision Level

Supervision Entity

Frequency of On-site Inspections


Municipal level


District level


Sub-district (township) level



Municipal level


District level


  Sub-district (township) level



Municipal level


District level


Sub-district (township) level



Municipal level


District level


Sub-district (township) level


  Article 6. The classified and tiered supervision evaluation is subject to dynamic management, with half a year as a cycle.

  Annex 4

  Joint Supervision System for Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Article 1. In order to build a property management system under the framework of community governance led by party building, give full play to the working mechanism of "quick answer to community calls" and the advantages of special governance and law enforcement led by departments, establish a joint law enforcement mechanism for interim and ex post supervision on property services, intensify efforts in law enforcement against various illegal issues in residential projects, and effectively improve the supervision level of property services in accordance with the concept of joint and co-governance, this system is hereby formulated.

  Article 2. It is necessary to adhere to a problem-oriented and people-centered approach and conduct joint law enforcement and inspection, prepare the list of law enforcement responsibilities of functional departments, and define their responsibilities. The departments and sub-districts (townships) shall make full use of the data collected via the mechanism of "swift response to public complaints" and the assessment results of "risk + credit", and launch joint law enforcement based on the division of responsibilities using the "quick answer to community calls" and special governance mechanism led by departments according to the classification of four levels and nine grades.

  Article 3. Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development shall, in conjunction with the functional departments of city management, public security, fire rescue, planning and natural resources, water supply, market supervision and management with law enforcement responsibilities for residential projects, strengthen the analysis of data on "swift response to public complaints", and organize the implementation of special governance and comprehensive law enforcement actions under the overall planning of departments based on the division of responsibilities, so as to address marked issues in their respective fields. Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development may take the lead in organizing municipal departments to carry out joint law enforcement and inspection in view of the "risk + credit" assessment results and inspection frequency requirements or on the residential projects that cause major public opinion crisis and prominent problems.

  Article 4. All the commissions of housing and urban-rural development (housing management bureaus) at district level shall take the lead in joint law enforcement for residential projects of districts, and organize various departments and sub-districts (townships) to carry out joint law enforcement according to the "risk + credit" assessment results and inspection frequency requirements.

  They shall also guide sub-districts (townships) to do a good job in joint law enforcement according to the "risk + credit" assessment results.

  Article 5. The sub-districts (townships) shall fully rely on the mechanism of swift response to public complaints to accurately utilize the mechanism of "quick answer to community calls" in an accurate way, and launch law enforcement against new illegal issues, potential issues and complex issued not addressed according to the "risk + credit" assessment results and inspection frequency requirements.

  Annex 5

  Record and Information Collection System for Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Article 1 In order to further improve the efficiency of comprehensive supervision on property services of residential projects, implement information-based and digital property management, and promote the construction of smart property, this system is hereby formulated according to the Regulations of Beijing Municipality on Property Management and relevant provisions.

  Article 2. Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is responsible for the formulation of relevant provisions on the record of residential property projects, the maintenance and technical support of property management systems and the organization of technical training; all commissions of housing and urban-rural development (housing management bureaus) at district level are responsible for examination and approval of the records of residential property projects and the contents submitted by all parties; and the sub-district offices and the people's government of townships are responsible for review of the records of residential property projects and filling in and submission of corresponding contents.

  Article 3. Project record shall be made by property service providers within 15 days upon the signature or modification of the Property Service Contract for Residential Projects.

  Property service enterprises shall fill in and submit the Beijing Residential Property Project Information Collection Form (See the Annex) and upload the Property Service Contract or relevant documents on the portal of Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (http://zjw.beijing.gov.cn/), while other property service providers shall fill in and submit the Beijing Residential Property Project Information Collection Form and upload the Property Service Contract or relevant documents after logging on the Beijing Property Management System (

  Sub-district offices and people's governments at the township level shall fill in and submit the Beijing Residential Property Project Information Collection Form after logging on the Beijing Property Management System (

  The contents related to the Owners' Committee (Committee of Property Management) and the Party organization shall be filled in by sub-district offices and people's governments at the township level, while other contents shall be filled in by property service providers.

  Article 4. After the property service providers fill in all the relevant contents in the Beijing Residential Property Project Information Collection Form and upload the Property Service Contract or relevant documents, they can download the Notice of Handling Results by themselves.

  Article 5. In case of any changes to the contents of Beijing Residential Property Project Information Collection Form, the property service providers shall fill in relevant contents again within 15 days from the date of such changes. Among them, where the contents related to the Owners Committee (Committee of Property Management) and the Party organization are changed, the sub-district offices and people's governments at the township level shall fill in relevant contents once again within 15 days from the date of such changes.

  Article 6. On the basis of collecting project information, the property service providers shall fill in and upload the performance of the Property Service Contract and the income and expenditure of property service projects implemented last year as well as the budgets of property service projects of the current year.

  Article 7. All commissions of housing and urban-rural development (housing management bureaus) at district level and sub-district (townships) level shall actively fulfill their principal responsibilities, fully coordinate, supervise and guide the voting activities on "Beijing Owner" APP in residential property management areas under their jurisdiction, and give priority to increasing the use efficiency of "Beijing Owner" APP to facilitate owners' electronic voting.

  Annex 6

  Joint Management System of Comprehensive Supervision on Property Services of Residential Projects in Beijing

  Article 1. In order to establish a property management system under the framework of community governance led by Party building, adhere to the pattern of co-governance led by the Party Committee and dominated by the government that allows for residents' autonomy, multi-party participation and co-construction after consultation and promotes industry self-discipline, and give full play to the leading and core role of community Party organizations in sub-districts (townships) in the grassroots governance, this system is hereby formulated.

  Article 2. According to the Three-Year Action Plan on Strengthening Property Management and Lifting the Property Service Level in Beijing (2020-2022) released by Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPC and People's Government of Beijing Municipality, and the Guiding Opinions on the Development of Property Service Enterprises and Owners Committee under the Leadership of Party Building released by the Organizational Department of Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPC, it is necessary to integrate the property service providers and owners committees into the scope of grassroots governance, and pursue a highly linked service mechanism with clear responsibilities and joint efforts, so as to continue to improve the capacity of grassroots Party organizations to organize, publicize, unite and serve the masses and refine the grassroots social governance pattern featuring extensive consultation, joint contribution, joint supervision and shared benefits under the guidance of Party building.

  Article 3. More efforts should be made to further define the responsibilities of departments in charge of the property industry for business supervision and Party building guidance. Municipal departments shall facilitate Party building of the property industry across Beijing, while district-level departments shall establish industry associations, promote municipal and district-level industry associations and sub-districts (townships) to form alliances, guide enterprises on Party building work, and integrate Party building with industry development using innovation approaches. Industry associations shall strengthen industry self-discipline, standardize property services, provide policy consultation for sub-districts (townships) and communities, help mediate conflicts and disputes, and constantly improve the professional ability and service level of property service enterprises.

  Article 4. It is essential to empower communities (towns) to enhance leadership in the management of territorial property services, put Party building of owners committees (property management committees) and property service enterprises as well as major issued encountered in property service management on the agenda, build a platform for residents' consultation, and guide community Party organizations to do a good job in establishment of Party organizations and a collaborative service mechanism between owners committees (property management committees) and property service enterprises, so as to form synergy for grassroots social governance.

  Article 5. It is also a must-do to adhere to joint construction and co-governance, strengthening the primacy of the people, make full use of incumbent Party members returning to their communities and other resources, and encourage sub-districts (communities) to organize residents to legally participate in property management and grassroots governance in an orderly manner.

  Article 6. Full play should be given to the working mechanism of "quick answer to community calls", focus on property service issues mostly collected via "12345" Citizen Service Hotline, follow the principle of "small services provided by communities, key services provided by sub-districts (townships) and difficulties solved by relevant departments", set up a ledger for serious problems that have been reported by the public for a long time, supervise the resolution of these issues according to the ledger, develop in time the solutions to common and difficult problems, strengthen law enforcement between departments and enhance residents' sense of satisfaction, security and happiness.

  Article 7. Legal, accounting, engineering, evaluation, consulting and other third-party institutions and personnel responsible for provision of professional services are supported to participate in property management and service activities, and provide fair and professional consulting, training, evaluation, inspection, supervision and audit services for relevant subjects of property management. Support will also be given to non-profit social organizations for participating in property service activities.

  Annex 7

  Comprehensive Checklist for Property Service Enterprises

  Time for check:    From __ (Hour)__ (Minute) __ (MM) __ (DD) __ (YY) to __ (Hour)__ (Minute) __ (MM) __ (DD) __ (YY)   Form No.:

Name of property project




Check location


Property service enterprise


Name of person in charge


Contact information


Property management


Gross floor area:

() m2

() residences

() high-rise residences

() multi-rise residences

Floor area: ()

Project type

□ Commercial residential building

□ Economically affordable housing

□ House with limited price and habitable area

□ Low-rent housing

□ State-owned housing managed by national real estate administration departments at all levels

□ House after dilapidated house renovation or resettlement house

□ Purchased public housing

Project owner


Property service

Contract type

□ Property management at the previous stage

□ Property management constantly used at the previous stage

□ Those recruited at the owners meeting

Property service

Contract  Term

□From __(MM)__(YY) to __(MM)__(YY)

□From __(MM)__(YY) to the date when the owners committee is set

Property service enterprise

Recruitment mode

□ Agreement

□ Bidding

Owner's occupancy time


Whether the owners' assembly is established

□ Yes

□ No

Contract record time


Other information about the community:

  Inspection contents (within the scope of functions and powers of housing management departments)


Property service providers (property service enterprises) shall, in a timely and truthful manner, announce and update on the bulletin board set up in a prominent position in the property management area, and inform online all owners:


(1). whether the business license of the property service enterprise, basic information of the project leader, contact information and property service complaint hotline have been publicized;


(2). whether the contents, standards, charging rates and methods of property services have been publicized;


(3). whether the name, qualification, contact information, maintenance and emergency plan of the daily maintenance unit of facilities and equipment with professional technical requirements, such as lifts and fire protection facilities have been publicized;


(4). whether the performance of the Property Service Contract, as well as the income and expenditure of property service projects implemented last year, and the budget of the property service projects of the current year have been publicized;


(5). whether the sharing proportion of public water and electricity costs as well as the use of property fees, public revenues and expenditures and special maintenance funds in the previous year have been publicized;


(6). whether the house decoration made by owners has been publicized;


(7). whether the sale and rental of parking spaces and garages in the property management area have been publicized;


(8). whether other information that should be disclosed has been publicized;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has damaged, demolished or modified the load-bearing structure and main structure of the building without permission;



whether the property services provided conforms to the standards and norms stipulated by the state and Beijing Municipality as agreed in the Contract;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has informed in time the owners and users of dos and don'ts for safety and reasonable use of property services;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has regularly listened to owners' opinions and suggestions, received supervision from the owners, and pursued the provision of better property services;



whether there are acts of illegal construction, illegal rental of houses, private wiring, occupation of fire escape, etc.;



in case any safety risks are found, whether the warning signs have been set and measures have been taken to eliminate hidden risks in time;



whether to dissuade or stop the owners or users of property services from violating temporary management regulations or management regulations, and report such behavior in time to the owners committee or the property management committee;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has prepared and kept the following files and documents:


(1). operation and management files of common parts in the community;


(2). files of the monitoring system, elevator, water pump, limited space and other common parts, common facilities and equipment in the community and their management, operation, repair and maintenance records;


(3). water tank cleaning records and water quality testing reports of the water tank;


(4). housing decoration management materials;


(5). register of the owners;


(6). signed written agreements for water supply, power supply, garbage removal and transportation;


(7). other information related to the interests of owners arising from property services;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has fulfilled the obligation of handing over the following documents:


(1). documents related to division of property management areas;


(2). site plan of completion, as-built drawings of single buildings, structures, equipment, and completion acceptance documents of supporting facilities and underground pipeline projects;


(3). technical documents on installation, use and maintenance of facilities and equipment;


(4). property quality warranty documents and property use instructions;


(5). other information necessary for property management;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has refused to exit from the property management area;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has strengthened daily inspection and regular maintenance of elevators, fire facilities and other facilities and parts prone to safety risks in property management areas; and take necessary safety measures to prevent buildings, structures or other facilities and their shelving and hanging objects from falling off or dropping;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) engaged in business activities through the use of common parts has included public revenues into separate accounts, and whether there is any misappropriation;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has provided parking spaces and garages to others who are not owners in violation of regulations;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has entrusted all property management services in a property management area to a third party;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) has changed the use of property management housing without authorization;



whether there is unauthorized occupation, excavation of roads and sites in the property management area, thus causing damage to the common interests of owners;



whether there is unauthorized use of common parts, common facilities and equipment for business (such as elevator advertising and Water vending machine);



whether there is misappropriation of housing special maintenance funds;



when the property management unit finds that the decorator is in violation of the Measures for the Administration of Interior Decoration of Houses whether it reports such violation to relevant departments in time;



whether the safety management files of building use have been established and the records have been made truthfully;



whether security administrators with professional knowledge of building structure and facility safety management are assigned;



whether the number of people in underground space exceeds the approved number;



that those who use ordinary basements for commercial, cultural and entertainment activities or other production and operation activities or as living places shall apply to the housing management department in the region where the ordinary basement is located prior to decoration and use for record; and that the following documents shall be submitted for applying for record of ordinary basements:


(1). description of the purpose, scope and term of use by the user;


(2). certificate of property registration or proof that the owners have jointly decided to use ordinary basements;


(3). planning documents shall be submitted if it is used for planning purposes; documents confirming the purpose of use by the planning administration department shall be submitted if the planning purpose is not clear; and the documents with planning changes of the planning administration department shall be submitted if the planning purpose is changed;


(4). inspection certificate issued by administrative department of health and family planning or certificate of sanitary inspection on ventilation and air conditioning systems issued by a qualified inspection institution;


(5). where fire control safety inspection is required before being put into use or business operation according to law, the fire safety inspection certificate issued by the fire department shall be submitted;


(6). in case of structural modification, the building structure safety appraisal report issued by the building safety appraisal institution shall be submitted;


(7). other documents that shall be submitted according to law;



whether the signs of civil air defense works and ordinary basement use produced by the competent department for civil air defense and the housing management department have been set at the entrance to the underground space;



whether specific measures of public security, fire control, health, construction and other management laws, regulations and rules on the use of underground space have been formulated and implemented by responsible persons for safe use of underground space;



whether responsible persons for safe use of underground space have established fire prevention, flood control, public security, sanitation and other accountability systems; stopped and corrected in time the users' violation of laws, regulations, rules or safety obligations, and reported such violation to relevant administrative departments;



whether the operation management organizations or users of public buildings have controlled indoor temperature of public buildings as per regulations;



whether the parking charges in residential areas are adjusted according to the prescribed procedures;



whether fixed or movable obstacles hindering the parking and passage of motor vehicles are set up on roads and other public areas; and whether piles and locks are installed on parking berths without the ownership and the exclusive right to use.


Matters requiring management (and reporting) by property management companies



whether the project owner arranges for necessary property management houses in the property management area as per regulations;



when handling property inspection procedures, whether the project owner hands over and supplements documents;



whether the decorator reports to and registers at the property management enterprise or the housing management organization before the residential interior decoration project commences;



where the decorator entrusts an enterprise to undertake its decoration project, whether the decoration enterprise reaches corresponding qualification levels;



whether the room or balcony is changed without waterproof requirements into a bathroom and kitchen, or whether the size of original doors and windows on the load-bearing wall and remove the bricks and concrete walls connecting the balcony in interior decoration activities of houses are expanded;



whether the project owner deposits the first installment of the housing special maintenance funds for delivery of the house to the buyer as per the provisions;



whether the project owner disposes of the ownership or the right to use of the common parts of the property as well as the common facilities and equipment belonging to the owner;



whether residential interior decoration activities damage the original energy saving facilities of the house, leading to a reduced energy-saving effect;



whether residential interior decoration activities, without the design scheme offered by the original designer or the designer with corresponding qualifications, exceed the design standards or specifications to increase the floor load without authorization;



where the decoration enterprises engage in residential interior decoration activities, whether such enterprises take necessary safety protection and fire protection measures pursuant to the provisions, avoid using open flame and welding operations at their own discretion, and ensure the safety of operating personnel and surrounding housing and property;



whether the owners of public buildings make energy saving improvements according to regulations in the reconstruction, extension or external decoration projects;



whether key public buildings have exceeded the annual energy consumption limit by 20% for two consecutive years;



whether energy audit is carried out, energy audit results are reported or false audit reports are submitted as required;


Other problems found during the on-site inspection:


Handling of such problems:


Signature of the inspected organization:

  Date: MM DD, YY


Signature of inspector:                                      

Date of inspection:       MM DD, YY


  Inspection contents (within the scope of authority of public security departments)


whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) discloses the owner's personal information in property service activities;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) commits acts against public security administration, such as refusal to hand over relevant documents or property, and refusal to exit from the property management area;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) manufactures, stores, uses or disposes of explosive, toxic, radioactive or corrosive substances, pathogens of infectious diseases or other dangerous substances in violation of state regulations;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) throws objects out of buildings;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) makes excessive noise;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) raises animals in violation of regulations;



whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) rents out the house in violation of regulations;



where the unit that recruits security personnel by itself shall have the legal personality, whether security guards meeting the requirements of this Regulation are recruited, and a sound security service management system, post responsibility system and security guard management system have been established;



whether the unit that recruits security personnel itself has filed at the public security organ of municipal people's government where it is located within 30 days from commencement of security services; whether the unit that stops recruiting security guards to provide security services has canceled its filing with the public security organ within 30 days from the date of cessation of security services;



whether the organization that recruits security guards provides security services beyond itself or outside the property management area;


Matters requiring management (and reporting) by property management companies



whether the owners, property users, etc. throw objects out of buildings;



whether the owners, property users, etc., make excessive noise;



whether the owners, property users, etc., raise animals in violation of regulations;



whether the owners, property users, etc., rent out the house in violation of regulations;



whether the owners, property users, etc., manufacture, store, use or dispose of explosive, toxic, radioactive or corrosive substances, pathogens of infectious diseases or other dangerous substances in violation of state regulations;


  Inspection contents (within the scope of authority of planning and natural resources departments)


whether the property service provider (property service enterprise) changes the planned use of property without authorization;


Matters requiring management (and reporting) by property management companies



whether the owners, property users, etc., change the planned use of property without authorization;


  Inspection contents (within the scope of authority of water supply departments)


whether the application is made to the water supply department or the river basin administrative agency for a water-intaking permit, the water fee is paid and the water-intaking right is acquired in accordance with the provisions of national water licensing and paid water use systems;



whether the enterprises, institutions and privately or individually-owned businesses (hereinafter referred to as sewerage users) engaging in industrial, construction, catering, medical and other activities discharge sewage into urban drainage facilities apply to the urban drainage department for the permit of sewage discharge into the drainage pipeline;



whether sewerage users accept water quality and quantity monitoring, or hinder or obstruct the supervision and inspection by the urban drainage department according to law;



whether sewerage users discharge sewage as per the requirements of drainage category, total quantity, time limit, location and quantity of discharge outlet, pollutant items and concentration stated in the drainage permit;



whether there is damage to drainage and reclaimed water facilities by: discharging excessive sewage, toxic, harmful, flammable and explosive substances into the drainage pipeline;



whether water is used without obtaining water consumption quota or beyond the approved time limit;



whether the landscape environment water of residential communities and organizations and other municipal water for miscellaneous purposes is tap water, which is used as urban landscape water replenishment;



that water consumers shall take measures to strengthen water conservation management and do a good job in the following aspects:


(1). to establish a sound water conservation accountability and build water-saving organizations;


(2). to set up special water-saving agencies or designate personnel to be responsible for specific water conservation work;


(3). to establish a ledger of water consumption, conduct statistical analysis of water consumption, clarify water consumption plans, water-saving targets and measures, and rationally analyze the water consumption situation or launch the water balance test regularly;


(4). to strengthen daily maintenance and management of water facilities; and


(5). to advocate water conservation;



whether the persons in charge of the management of public water supply facilities and fire control facilities strengthen routine maintenance and management of water supply facilities and fire control facilities, and take effective measures to prevent organizations and individuals from wasting water or getting water without authorization;



whether urban public water supply facilities are dismantled, refitted or relocated without authorization, to start, dismantle or move public water supply facilities, or to use fire hydrants except for emergency needs without authorization;


Matters requiring management (and reporting) by property management companies



whether the owners, property users, etc., dismantle water supply, drainage, reclaimed water and other pipelines without authorization;



whether urban public water supply facilities are dismantled, refitted or relocated without authorization, to dismantle or move public water supply facilities, or to use fire hydrants except for emergency needs without authorization;



whether organizations or individuals get water from public water supply facilities or fire control facilities without authorization;


  Inspection contents (within the scope of functions and powers of fire and rescue departments)


whether the evacuation channels, safety exits or fire lanes are occupied, blocked or closed; the parking spaces and facilities delineated and set up shall not occupy or block fire lanes;


whether fire lanes, evacuation channels and other common parts are occupied, blocked or closed, or fire facilities and other common facilities and equipment are damaged by setting up obstacles such as ground locks, stone piers and fences and placing sundries without authorization;



whether fire facilities and equipment are damaged or misappropriated, or damage is made to fire facilities and other common facilities and equipment;



whether the organization responsible for fire control safety in urban residential areas (including residential communities) has introduced the fire safety system and fulfilled the fire safety responsibility;



whether daily publicity and education on fire safety are carried out to inform the residents of the fire hazards;



whether property service providers or other managers of residential communities organize residents to launch firefighting and emergency evacuation drills, and organize the units to regularly conduct firefighting technology trainings;



whether safety inspections and regular fire safety checks are organized;



whether measures are taken to address in a timely manner the fire hazards found;



whether fire-fighting facilities and equipment are installed, firefighting safety signs are set up, and regular inspection and maintenance are organized to ensure such equipment, facilities and signs are in good operational condition according to national and industrial standards;



whether those who try to commit or have committed the acts of occupying, blocking or closing the evacuation channels, safety exits and fire lanes are persuaded and urged to rectify;



whether necessary measures are taken to put out initial fire, report to the police in time, organize rescue and evacuation immediately after a fire occurs; that the acts of failure to report, delay in reporting, false fire alarm, or healing of fire emergencies are forbidden;



After the fire is put out, it's required to protect the scene in time, accept accident investigation and provide fire accident information in a truthful way; Without approval from fire control organizations, it's not allowed to enter, remove or clean up the fire site;



In case of a need to temporarily stop using fire control facilities and equipment, whether effective alternative measures are taken;



whether inflammable and explosive dangerous goods are produced, operated or stored;



whether evacuation sites are occupied outside the fire exit;



whether liquefied petroleum gas has been used;



whether fire control rooms are set according to national standards; personnel on duty abide by national and municipal operation rules on fire control rooms and implement the on-duty system of fire control rooms as per regulations; and personnel with corresponding conditions are on duty and not absent without leave;



whether open flame are used or there is smoking or open flame in places exposed to fire and explosion risks in violation of regulations; and whether the examination and approval procedures for fire are fulfilled and disclosed, or the on-site monitoring measures for firefighting are taken in case of electric welding, gas welding and other open-flame operations in high-rise civil buildings;



whether the outdoor billboards and decorations of high-rise civil buildings use flammable and combustible materials; it is forbidden to interfere with smoke prevention and exhaust, escape and firefighting and rescue, nor change or destroy the fireproof structures of building facades;



whether the fireproof structures of the facades of high-rise civil buildings are changed and destroyed;



no indicative and warning marks are set on external insulation materials for outer walls;



whether the damaged, cracked and detached external thermal insulation system is repaired in time;



whether full-time and volunteer fire brigades and other fire organizations are established as per provisions;



whether fire-fighting facilities and equipment are dismantled or stopped without authorization; where the fire control facilities need to be stopped for maintenance, whether the management unit of high-rise civil buildings strictly performs internal examination and approval procedures, develops emergency plans, implements preventive measures, and posts announcements in prominent places such as the entrances of buildings;



whether electric bicycles are parked or charged in public entrance halls, evacuation passageways, stairwells and safety exits of high-rise civil buildings;


List of matters requiring management (and reporting by) property management companies



whether the owners, property users, etc., set up wires and cables to charge electric vehicles, electric bicycles, electric motorcycles and electric tricycles in violation of regulations;



whether those who refuse to rectify the acts of occupying, blocking or closing the evacuation channels, safety exits and fire lanes are reported in time to fire control institutions or public security departments;


Inspection contents (within the scope of authority of the law-enforcing departments of city administration)


whether personnel in charge of the management of domestic waste sorting fulfill their responsibilities for guiding and supervising the owners and property users to carry out domestic waste sorting; that personnel in charge of the management of domestic waste sorting shall observe the following provisions:


(1). to introduce a daily management system of domestic waste classification;


(2). to launch popularize knowledge of domestic waste sorting within the scope of responsibility, and designate special persons to guide and supervise organizations and individuals in terms of domestic waste sorting;


(3). in view of the volume of domestic waste production and sorting methods, to set up domestic waste sorting and collection containers in accordance with relevant provisions, and keep these containers intact and tidy; if such containers are dilapidated and soiled or insufficient, ensure timely repair, replacement, cleaning of or supplement to these containers;


(4). to define the dumping time and place of different domestic waste, collect and store domestic waste after sorting;


(5). to entrust qualified organizations to collect and transport domestic waste and sign a service contract on domestic waste collection and transportation with such organizations; The model contract shall be formulated and published by municipal urban management departments jointly with other departments concerned;


(6). to stop picking and mixing sorted domestic waste in a timely manner;


(7). other provisions of the State and Beijing Municipality;



whether buildings, structures, obstructions are erected or underground spaces are dug privately in violation of regulations;



whether green space is occupied, or green plants and green facilities are damaged;



whether fire lanes, evacuation channels and other common parts are occupied, blocked or closed, or fire facilities and other common facilities and equipment are damaged by setting up obstacles such as ground locks, stone piers and fences and placing sundries without authorization;


Matters requiring management (and reporting) by property management companies



whether the organizations and individuals producing domestic waste discarding domestic waste as per regulations;



whether the owners, property users, etc., erect buildings, structures, obstructions or dig underground spaces privately in violation of laws;



whether the owners, property users, etc., occupy green space or destroy green plants and green facilities;



whether the owners, property users, and so on occupy, block or close fire lanes, evacuation channels and other common parts, or damage fire facilities and other common facilities and equipment by setting up obstacles such as ground locks, stone piers and fences and placing sundries without authorization;



whether the owners, property users, etc., dismantle or change the indoor common heating facilities, expand the heating area and increase the number of radiators;



whether residential users commit any acts prohibited in gas use;



whether there is any unauthorized distribution, hanging and posting of publicity materials and advertisements in public places or any painting, scrawling and spraying of slogans, publicity materials and advertisements on buildings and structures in violation of regulations;


Inspection contents (within the scope of authority of gardening and greening departments)


whether green space in residential areas is subject to poor management:


(1). upon completion of residential areas and ancillary greening projects of residential communities, whether the project owner makes green space plan signs and place such signs in prominent locations of residential areas and residential communities;


(2). whether the management and protection organization manages and protects green space and trees, and does a good job in fire prevention pursuant to standards of the State and Beijing Municipality for the maintenance of green space and trees;


(3). whether the management and protection organization organize in time the pruning of trees in residential areas that seriously affect daylighting, ventilation and safety according to relevant technical specifications;



whether there are any of the following acts that impair landscaping:


(1). to dump or discharge sewage, garbage, muck and other wastes near trees or in green space;


(2). to cause damage to trees, flowers and greening facilities;


(3). to hang billboards or other articles on trees or greening facilities;


(4). to collecting soil and build structures in green space;


(5). to use fire and barbecue in green space;


(6). to cut the trunks and crowns of trees in violation of relevant regulations of the State and Beijing Municipality;


(7). to engage in other activities that damage afforestation achievements and facilities;



whether the nature and use of green space has changed without authorization;



whether tree transplanting and tree cutting are under strict restriction and control;



whether green space is temporarily occupied without approval;


Inspection contents (within the scope of authority of civil air defense departments)


whether civil air defense facilities are destroyed or occupied;



when civil air defense works are used in peacetime, whether unimpeded access roads, openings, entrances and exits, etc., are ensured or main structures of civil air defense works are changed;



whether the equipment and facilities of civil air defense works are dismantled;



whether an accountability system for fire prevention, flood control and public security is introduced to ensure the safety and effectiveness of civil air defense works;



whether the operations affect the use of civil air defense works or reduce their protective capabilities, discharge waste water or waste gas or dump wastes into civil air defense works;



whether civil air defense works are modified without authorization;



whether civil air defense works are used without approval of the competent local authority for civil air defense works and in violation of regulations, thus causing damage to the safety and effectiveness of civil air defense works;



whether responsible persons for safe use of underground space formulate and implement specific measures of public security, fire control, health, construction and other management laws, regulations and rules on the use of underground space;



whether responsible persons for safe use of underground space introduce accountability systems for fire prevention, flood control, public security and health;



whether the signs of civil air defense works and ordinary basement produced by the competent authorities for civil air defense and the housing management are set up at the entrance to the underground space.


  (This document is publicly released.)                         

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